Yusuf Ariyanto, S.T., M.Ars. is a lecturer in Universitas Ciputra Surabaya since 2018 and is currently part of the Architecture Department. He also joined PT. Tata Matra Indonesia (architectural design consultant) since 2012 as a commissioner
Dyah Kusuma Wardhani, S.T., M.Ars. is a Assistant Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra in 2013 and is currently part of the Architecture Department. She is also an active committee member of the East Java Chapter of HDII (Indonesian Society of Interior Designer), involved in the International Association People-Environment Studies, and has a keen interest in settlements and environments that are rooted in traditions, green architecture, as well as ensuring indoor health and comfort of the building occupants.
Dr. Astrid, S.T., M.M / Astrid Kusumowidagdo; is a Associate Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra since 2006 and currently part of Architecture (Architecture Interior Concentration). Currently, she is the Dean of Universitas Ciputra’s School of Creative Industry. In addition to working as a practitioner and writer, she is also assigned to be coordinator of Strategic Research of Sense of Place in Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. Her research mostly focusing commercial space design and behaviour; entrepeneurhip, lifestyle and creative industry. She is a member of Ikatan Peneliti lingkungan Binaan Indonesia (IPLBI); Indonesian Interior Designer Association (HDII- Member of IFI), Assoc. Malaysian Environment Behavior Researcher (AMER)/ Assoc Behavioural Researcher of Asians (ABRA) and International Association People- Environment Studies (IAPS).