Prospective UC Postgraduate students are asked to re-register with the following conditions:

  1. Make payment for the tuition fee of the first semester according to the due date stated in each prospective student’s registration web account.
  2. Complete the re-registration process online through each prospective student’s registration web account by uploading several documents, namely:
    • New Student Biodata Form
    • Scan of identification card (ID Card/Passport)
    • Colored soft copy passport-sized photo (4×6) *Note: half-body photo, wearing a white shirt and black suit/blazer with a red background
    • Original transcript of records / legalized copy of transcript of records
    • Original bachelor’s degree certificate (S1) / legalized copy of bachelor’s degree certificate (S1)
    • DIKTI equivalence certificate for graduates from overseas institutions
    • For S2 Universitas Ciputra Surabaya partner track, attach a recommendation letter from the company.

Pascasarjana Universitas Ciputra


WhatsApp: 0838 4934 3601
Office: 031 745 1699
Instagram: @uc_magistermanajemen
