What is

FDB is a study programme that focuses on learning fashion knowledge, as well as creating a creative and innovative entrepreneurial mindset that will produce an international-class product & businesses to elevate Indonesian culture in the global arena.

Graduates are able to be a venture creator (creating new venture) or value creator (using the entrepreneurial mindset toward working environment). This program provides students to learn basic knowledge about drawing, sewing technique, design, history, textiles, trends, CAD, and accessories.

Moreover, students are enables to obtain their knowledge through hybrid learning process, student centred learning, problem-based learning, project based learning and experience based learning.



Standar Perkuliahan

Total Credits144 SKS
Education TypeSarjana (S1)
Length of Study4 Tahun
LanguageBahasa Indonesia
Bachelor’s DegreeS.Des (Sarjana Design)


To be a study program (Fashion Product Design and Business (FDB)) that creates world-class Entrepreneurs with Integrity–Professionalism–Entrepreneurship (IPE) character and nationalism, who can contribute positively to Indonesia.


  1. Organizing the higher education’s Tridarma in the product design and entrepreneurship’s field with international quality standards.
  2. Entrepreneurially manage the study program by holding the principles of good governance.


Become a Study Program that focuses on:

  1. Improving the education, research, and community service quality in scientific fields related to product design and entrepreneurship
  2. Entrepreneurially improving the management quality of the Product Design Study Program.
  3. Striving quality achievement according to national and international standards


  1. Excellent quality achievement in science & entrepreneurship education
  2. Excellent quality accomplishment in research and publications that are beneficial to science, institutions, and society.
  3. Quality achievement of community service that has a positive impact.
  4. Implementation of good study program governance.
  5. Formation of a dynamic and growing IPE culture.
  6. Formation of the entrepreneurial competence in academic community and education staff
  7. Financial growth achievement that can always be maintained.
  8. Awareness achievement in the importance of customer service throughout the organization.
  9. Established a good relationship with Ciputra Group.
  10. The cooperation achievement of external parties.
  11. The accomplishment of world-class academic quality.
  12. Achieving world-class operational quality.
  13. The accomplishment of world-class infrastructure quality.
  14. The accomplishment of an organization that continuously develops entrepreneurship knowledge
  15. Achieving the world-class reputation study program.
Prospek Lulusan
Fashion DesignerFashion Journalist
Fashion StylistFashion Public Relation
Fashion IllustratorTextile Designer
Fashion Merchandiser

Kurikulum disusun berdasarkan visi misi Universitas Ciputra Surabaya dan visi keilmuan/keahlian program studi serta kebutuhan dunia kerja yg memerlukan kecakapan: karakter, kewarganegaraan (citizenship), berpikir kritis (critical thinking), kreatif (creativity), kolaborasi (collaboration), komunikasi (communication), pemecahan masalah (problem solving). Oleh sebab itu, lulusan dibekali kemampuan yang memungkinkan dapat memenuhi perkembangan kebutuhan abad 21.

1. Profil Lulusan (Graduate Profiles)

Fashion Product Designer
Perancang produk fesyen

Fashion Product Communicator
Ahli komunikasi untuk produk fesyen

Fashion Product Conceptor
Profesional dalam konsep produk fesyen

Fashion Venture Creator
Pelaku usaha dan inisiator di dunia fesyen

2. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (Graduate Learning Outcomes)

 Rumusan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi
1Warga Negara
Sebagai warga negara yang berke Tuhan an, yang menjunjung tinggi nilai Pancasila. dan kemanusiaan, cinta tanah air dan menghargai keragaman budaya.
2Pembelajar sepanjang hayat (long-life learner)
Sebagai pembelajar sepanjang hayat yang mandiri, bertanggung jawab, toleran, taat hukum, dan memiliki kepekaan sosial dan berwawasan lingkungan.
3Nilai-nilai universitas
Mengaktualisasi nilai-nilai universitas (University value’s) dalam perilaku sesuai kode etik UC. (humanity, Eqality, Dignity, Nourishing, Trust, Organizational norm, IPE, University freedom, Civilization, Sensitivity)
4Berpikir kritis (critical thinking)
Mampu menyusun gagasan/ konsep  secara logis dan analitis berdasarkan prinsip keilmuan/ keahlian/ entrepreneurship, dan nilai kemanusiaan.
5Kreativitas-Inovasi (creativity-innovation)
Mampu menciptakan karya kreatif – inovatif, yang bernilai tambah, responsif terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi , berdasarkan metode keilmuan /keahlian/entrepreneurship, baik secara mandiri maupun  kolaboratif, dengan memanfaatkan “Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi” terkini. 
6Penyelesaian Masalah (problem solving)
Mampu menyusun alternatif solusi melalui ekplorasi/kajian akademik terhadap masalah bidang keilmuan/ keahlian/ entrepreneurship/ kemanusiaan, yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan keilmuan dan peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat.
7Pengambilan Keputusan (decision making)
Mampu mengambil keputusan secara komprehensif  dan bertanggung jawab sesuai bidang keahlian/ keilmuan, etika, dan pengalaman belajarnya. (Decision making)
8Komunikasi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan (communication-recognition)
Mampu menyajikan hasil karyanya dalam media komunikasi yang dapat diakses  secara luas,  dan dihargai masyarakat akademik dan atau masyarakat umum. 
Mampu menyusun strategi belajar yang spesifik dan komprehensif,  untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi, berdasarkan pola pikir yang terbangun dan berkembang selama belajar secara mandiri di bidang desain fashion, entrepreneurship dan bidang lain (multidisciplinary learning strategy)
Mampu menguasai konsep teoritis bidang desain  fashion,  kajian obyek visual, faktor manusia, lingkungan, sosial, budaya, dan teknologi bidang fashion desain dalam menghasilkan ide.
Mampu menguasai metode penelitian, inovasi, penciptaan karya  dan nilai produk, yang diterapkan dalam proses mencipta dan memproduksi karya fashion untuk  menyelesaikan masalah bidang desain fashion.
12Konsep, Prinsip & Teknik
Mampu menguasai konsep, prinsip,  dan teknik: prinsip desain produk fashion, elemen, karakter material, prinsip dan teknik komunikasi, serta prinsip produksi produk fashion, yang digunakan dalam pemikiran, penciptaan ide, mendesain karya fashion, dan meproduksi karya fashion, serta dalam penyelesaian kasus di bidang desain fashion.
Menguasai pendekatan perancangan yang dapat menghubungkan pengetahuan bidang  fashion dengan seni, budaya, bahan, faktor manusia, isu lingkungan, sosial dan budaya.

1st Semester:

Fashion Textile and Material 1 • Basic Fashion Design 1 • Fashion Production 1

2nd Semester:

Art and Culture • Fashion Textile and Material II • Basic Fashion Design II • Fashion and Society

3rd Semester:

Fashion Industry Practices • Fashion Textile and Material III • Fashion Product Design 1 • Fashion Production III

4th Semester:

Fashion Trend Analysis • Fashion Product Design II • Fashion Production IV: CAD • Fashion Communication

5th Semester:

Fashion Product Design III • Fashion Production V • Design Appreciation

6th Semester:

Fashion Industry Practices 2 • Fashion Product Design IV • Fashion Production VI

7th Semester:

Research Methodology • Fashion Industry Placement • Fashion Textile & Material IV • Fashion Product Design V

8th Semester:

Portfolio • Final Project

General Education:

Entrepreneurship Essentials Bahasa • Indonesia • Civic • Pancasila • Agama • Ethic


Fashion Accessories • Decorative Techniques for Garment • Eco Printing & Natural Dyeing • Fashion & Sustainability • Digital Fashion Illustration

Fashion Product Design and Business (FDB) develop many partnerships with various institutions, from academic institutions, industrial to fashion associations to support the teaching and learning process.

Industrial Institution

Fashion Association

Academic Institution

FDB Facilities

Fasilitas yang tersedia di FDB

  • Student Lounge
  • Textile Lab
  • Singer Lab
  • Sewing Studio
  • Paternmaking Studio
  • Design Studio
  • Computer Lab

FDB Facilities

Fasilitas yang tersedia di FDB

  • Lab Fotografi
  • Lab Videografi
  • Lab Augmented Reality
  • 3D Printer
  • CNC Router
  • Studio Ilustrasi
  • Studio Design
  • Studio Komputer


FDB Latest News



a study programme that focuses on learning fashion knowledge, as well as creating a creative and innovative entrepreneurial mindset that will produce an international-class product & businesses



a study programme that focuses on learning fashion knowledge, as well as creating a creative and innovative entrepreneurial mindset that will produce an international-class product & businesses