We are consist of Highly dedicated people to our work in teaching so that you can compete in the Design World.

Stevanus Christian Anggrianto, S.Sn., M.M., Ph.D.

Art and business has become a important part of my life, born and raise in a business environment in one end and great passion in art create a unique character and mindset.

The experience of up and down in family business give an impact to how i see and process things, i start my own “trade business” in my second year of elementary school.

Working in various magazine in while studying in Visual Communication Design in Petra Christian University give me the opportunity to learn more about design and magazine industry beyond the classroom.

Presented with opportunities handed to me after graduate, from working in a design agency at Jakarta, join family business or becoming a lecturer at my almamater, i choose the 4th choice to challenge my self which is working as a Research and Development in a jewelry company.

My passion and love to design takes me back to my almamater as a lecturer, i teach there for about 3 year while running my own design business.

In 2006 i heard about a new university that have design department but focus on entrepreneurship, so once again i challenge my self to join Universitas Ciputra.

Back then, entrepreneurship is an uncharted island, no one understand about it. Even more, how to combine entrepreneurship with design, nobody ever think seriously about it. We’re the first who developed the concept.

I finished my master degree in strategic management in 2009 to complete my knowledge about business and management, it was a controversial decision and definitely not an easy task but a necessary thing to developed my self.

Juggling between lecturing, finishing my master degree, running my own business, and being a committee in Asosiasi Desain Grafis Indonesia really challenge my time

management ability, i have to create a priority scale. To gain things i have to sacrifice other, one of the thing that i have to sacrifice is being a part of Kauffman Global Faculty 2011.

In 2013 i was presented with another challenging opportunity, a Ph.D scholarship at Malaysia. So i answer the challenge and right now i’m a Ph.D candidate at Awang Had Salleh Malaysia.

My other recent activity is :
1. Head of Department VCD UC.
2. Project Manager of VCD UC Business Unit.
3. Business trainer for Pupuk KalTim, Bontang.
4. Lecturer for VCD subject.
5. Entrepreneurship Facilitator.
6. Facilitator for UC business Boot Camp.
7. Talk show “BUSINESS CREATIVE” profile at Radio Suara Surabaya FM.
9. Speaker for “Young Entrepreneur” SBO TV program.

you can reach me at

Ellen Saputra ,S.Sn., M.A

Ellen is a lecturer with solid dedication into visual art sectors, specifically film, television and music video. Ellen graduated from Maranatha Christian University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Communication Design and achieved her Postgraduate degree in Film and Media Production at Sheffield Hallam University. Ellen has been produced numerous video projects during her work experience as student developer with Academic Practice and Learning Innovation Team of Sheffiled Hallam University. Ellen also involved in many film festivals such as Sheffield Documentary Festival, Sheffield Adventure Film Festival, and Leeds International Film Festival thus gained invaluable knowledge and insights from the industry.

Besides lecturing, Ellen is working as a freelance designer. She enjoys music and travel. Ellen likes to learn new things, read books, and listen to TED talks about business, science, technology, art and culture.

Hutomo Budi, S.Sn., M.M.

Hi, my name is Hutomo Setia Budi.

I was born in Febuary 23’rd 1985. I got interested in art since childhood. My favorite subject in school was art. After graduating from St. Louis I high school, I decided to continue my education at Petra Christian University Surabaya. I entered Visual Communication Design to fulfill my interest in Art.

When I was still a university student I was already interested in educational word and felt compelled to teach. My first experience in teaching Arts was when I taught the less fortunate students around my campus’ neighborhood at Siwalankerto. In the year 2004, I was asked to teach graphical design extracurricular in Santa Maria High School. I enjoy teaching.

After my graduation, I worked as a freelance designer and I continue my interest to teach as a lecturer in Ciputra University. Aside from being a theory lecturer, I also enjoy to play futsal as a hobby. This encourages me to coach Cita Hati futsal team in my spare time. That’s all from me, God bless you.

You can reach me at

Marina Wardaya, S.Sn., M.M., M.Ds.

Marina has been a lecturer in the Department of Visual Communication Design of Ciputra Surabaya University since 2012.

Having a passion in writing children’s books, she has produced several children’s book namely Science is Fun: Luke Mengenal Sains di Taman Kota, Asah Kecerdasan: Lomba, Asah Kecerdasan: Sekolah Baru, Aldo & Ciro Bermain dengan Huruf that have been published by several publishers including Elex Media Computindo, BIP and Andi Publishers.

Through online book with the username of SnuggleBuddy, Marina also makes and markets children’s books as indie. Marina can be contacted via email at

Paulina Tjandrawibawa ,BA., MPRA

Paulina is a lecturer and entrepreneur who loves design, nature and travelling. Graduated from KvB Institute of Technology Sydney and University of New South Wales Australia, Paulina continued her journey to Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore and Jakarta to gain work experience in advertising and commodity trading industry.

Paulina is also the founder and creative director of Conseva which sells scarves, fabrics, and stationery. Conseva was chosen as one of 100 finalists in start up competition in 2017 and selected by Tokopedia to join Maker Fest Bazar in Surabaya 2018. Conseva has also exported its products to USA, Australia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam.

As a person who loves nature, Paulina aspires to use more of eco-friendly materials for her brand Conseva and to collaborate with like-minded people including students to create a meaningful project in raising environmental awareness.

Rendy Iswanto, S.Sn., M.M., M.Ds.

Hi all, I was born in Surabaya 1982, from my early days Im always fascinated by arts, starting from my fondness to Japanese Style Illustration in my school days, Photography works, Graphic Design works, to Visual Communication Design in my college days at DKV Petra year 2000.

After graduating from college on 2004, I started as freelance designer and a part time lecturer in various University majoring Visual Communication Design, I started my days as lecturer at Petra University, teaching Animation classes, and Computer Graphic Classes.

In 2006 I joined Ciputra University as a part time lecturer in Visual Communication Design Major, teaching various classes such as Basic 2D-2D design, Typography classes, Computer Graphic classes, etc

In 2007 I also joined Universitas Surabaya as part time lecturer in Multimedia Major, teaching Basic 2D-2D design, Typography classes, Computer Graphic classes, etc. Until recently I’ve become a full time lecturer in Ciputra University

Beside lecturing as my carrier and my freelance design works, I also run a photo corner bussines with my friends (

You can reach me at

Shienny Megawati, S.Sn., M.M., M.Ds.

Aside from lecturing at Visual Communication Design Universitas Ciputra Surabaya Shienny was known as a writer. She has published her fantasy novel tetralogy Ther Melian. Which consist of: Ther Melian Revelation, Ther Melian Chronicle, Ther Melian Discord, Ther Melian Genesis and Anthology

Writing is her passion since elementary school. She’ve been writing short comics/ stories and sending them to tabloid/ magazine since high-school.Her first book Past Promise was published by Elex Media Komputindo. It was the first comic made by young female artist that was published in Indonesia at that time. Her other works are : White Castle (2002) Love Flies (2003) Le Ciel (2004) Creating Comics Shoujo Manga Style (2004) Le Ciel The Journey Continues (2005) Love Junction (2006) Fake Angel (2006) Drawing Tutorial for Beginner (2008) Aku ingin tahu Sains “Huruf dan Typography” (2009), Science is Fun “Luke Mengenal Sains di Taman Kota”

You could follow her on facebook and twitter or join in a discussion at her blog or reach me at Universitas Ciputra by email at

Pramesti Saniscara, S.T., M.Ds.

Also known as Cara. She is a science enthusiast who loves to learn something new. She started her career as a lecturer in 2016 after a short study on Creative Industries at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Graduated from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya majoring in Visual Communication Design, teaching has been one of her passion since college along with music, movies, books, and travel.

She is currently finishing her graduate study at Trisakti University Jakarta, working as a freelance designer, and managing Ennio Photobooth with her spouse.

Michael Nathaniel Kurniawan, S.Sn., M.A.

Michael developed his interests in the field of Art and Cultural History since the second year of his undergraduate Visual Communication Design program. He became a faculty member at Universitas Ciputra since 2008 and has been teaching Art and Cultural History and Cross-Cultural Design in the context of Creative and Cultural Industries in various multi-discipline design undergraduate programs for the past decade. He is also one of the Kauffman Foundation Global Faculty alumni who intensively studied entrepreneurship education at Kansas City, the United States of America in 2011.

In 2016 he was awarded a scholarship from the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). Upon attaining a Master of Art in Art and Design in Education in 2017 from the distinguished University College London (UCL), Institute of Education (IoE), in 2018 Michael established the Centre for Creative Heritage Studies (CCHS) at Universitas Ciputra and is currently the Head of CCHS. His goal as a faculty member and a researcher in the field of art and cultural history, art, design, and entrepreneurship education, and the creative and cultural industries is to help future young designers to co-create sustainable Indonesian cultural heritage for the future.

Lisa Indriati, S.Des., M.M.

Lisa was the first alumni of Ciputra University, in 2010 she graduated with a Bachelor of Design and worked as a full time graphic designer for a national agency based in Surabaya. As a graduate of Visual Communication Design, she accustomed in conceptualizing and designing according to client’s needs. She also entrusted to hold a position as a procurement manager; where her responsible are managing the needs of the company, finding quality vendors, and strategizing to find cost effective supplier.

Because of her interest in business, she continued her studies at Airlangga University majoring in Master of Management. After graduating in 2016, she worked as a research and development team for the agency’s subsidiary. Her work requirements were conducting research, develop concepts, and make interesting materials to be presented during training. She also had the opportunity to facilitate several training such as Design Thinking, Lego Serious Play, Innovation, Negotiation, etc. Her working experience for 9 years and holding various positions in the company prepare Lisa to be an effective researcher and instructor.

Evan Raditya Pratomo, S.Des., M.Ds.

Born in 1990, Evan Raditya Pratomo A.K.A. PAPERCAPTAIN is a Malang (East Java, Indonesia) resident and contemporary illustrator with exceptional skills in applying different techniques of illustration. His adroitness ranges across children’s book illustration, state-of-the-art ukiyo-e, urban pop, to ornamental embellishment.

Evan was the only Indonesian artist featured in the Adobe Photoshop’s 25th Anniversary campaign. His artwork for the said campaign was exhibited at Adobe MAX 2015, the world’s leading creativity conference in Los Angeles, California. In April 2015, he was appointed the youngest guest speaker at Leipzig Book Fair 2015 along with several other Indonesian authors and illustrators. Moreover, one of the proudest achievements is when Paramount Pictures asked him to make an alternative movie poster for Ghost In The Shell movie in 2016 and invited him to movie setting in New Zealand along with other Artists they chose. Even though Evan wanders through various subjects and colors in Illustration, he never forgets his roots as children book Illustrator and it was proven when he make King Kenny picture book, commissioned by Liverpool Football Club to celebrate 125th Liverpool Anniversary in April, 2018.

Quina Reivaldi Limantara S.E. M.A.

Hi! My name is Quina Reivaldi Limantara, or you can call me Rei. I’m a business, art and design enthusiast and my passion is researching, exploring, experimenting, creating, innovating, finding new solutions to existing problems and looking for problems that need solutions. Then using the design skill as media to address those things. Talking about passion, it means a strong emotion for someone to something. Through passion, people would eager to do whatever it takes, even at considerable sacrifice.

Well, basically I graduated from Bachelor of Business Management International at Ciputra University, Surabaya. Loved it! I found it fun, full of exciting practices. Through the entrepreneurial methods that they applied, I could gain so much unexpected experiences. I was managing $200K worth event with 350 students, which is unbeliveable. Also, through college I trained to innovating, organizing, maintaining, supervising and developing a start-up businesses. College life was like a roller coaster but in extraordinary way.

Since I was little, I learnt art and design autodidactically. Then, I flew to United Kingdom to obtain more knowledge in my specialism, which is art and design. Here I took my Masters Degree in Visual Communication at Birmingham City University, Birmingham. Studying here helped me develop my own style and helped me to mature in my work and self-development. I acquired portfolios, captured wider perspective and broader understanding about my specialsm.

As an open minded person, I always dreaming about having a place to gather all business, art and design enthusiast. I would like to empower them to reach their’s preeminent potential, which pottentially could innovating something brilliant that would change the world. Therefore, when I got the opportunity to join Ciputra University as their lecturer. I took that chance to initiate what I dreamed of. I would do my best with all the lesson I learnt formerly to assist students. I love when the classes are fun and full exciting activities.

Alexandra Ruth Santoso, S.Des, M.A

Since Highschool I’ve been working as a freelance Graphic Designer and working on a customizeable t-shirt business with my parents and then I goes to VCD UC learning about Visual Communication Design and Entrepreneurship which contribute greatly to my Design Skills, Organizing Skills, Leadership and Entrepreneurship. After Graduating from VCD at 2014 I continued to work as a freelancer and try a lot of others things too such as Culinary School, Travel Youtuber, even working as a manager at one of Japanese Restaurant In Surabaya

After a long of time doing other things, I decided to improve my design educations which is lead to to take a magister program of Creative Industry Design in National Cheng Kun University, Tainan, Taiwan for two years
For me Passion alone isnt enough, I believe that my hobbies and skill has to be usefull to other people and has to keep improving. This is why I came back to VCD UC so I can be a service, to motivate, to inspire younger generations so they can keep improving their potential