Dosen dan Staff

Pengajar maupun staff dari Sistem Informasi Universitas Ciputra Surabaya merupakan professional yang memiliki kompetensi di bidang Sistem Informasi. Para pengajar dipilih melalui seleksi berdasarkan kemampuan mengajar yang merupakan kombinasi keahlian dibidang Sistem Informasi dengan jiwa Entrepreneur. Pengajar merupakan lulusan dari perguruan tinggi dengan reputasi baik dari luar dan dalam negeri, di mana beberapa memiliki pengalaman sebagai praktisi di perusahaan IT sebelum bergabung menjadi pengajar di Universitas Ciputra.

Universitas Ciputra juga merupakan sebuah perguruan tinggi yang berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan tenaga pengajarnya agar selalu up-to-date dengan perkembangan zaman, khususnya teknologi. Berbagai training diikuti oleh para pengajarnya dalam mempersiapkan diri dalam melaksanakan tri dharma pendidikan, termasuk dalam pengembangan profesionalisme, misalnya dengan mengikuti training Entrepreneurship, training SAP business software, Accurate dan juga secara berkala melakukan sesi knowledge sharing diantara para pengajar.

Penelitian adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari dunia pendidikan, oleh karena itu seluruh pengajar di program studi  Sistem Informasi juga berkomitmen menghasilkan penelitian yang berkualitas dan tepat guna. Penelitian di program studi Sistem Informasi mayoritas berfokus pada implementasi teknologi dalam dunia industri dan teknologi data pada industri

Trianggoro Wiradinata, Ph.D.Dean – School of Information Technology, Associate Professor

Trianggoro is the Dean of School of Information Technology at Universitas Ciputra. In this capacity he is responsible for both the strategic direction and curriculum development as well as liaising the relationship with industries, associations, and institutions. He is currently also appointed as the Director for Apple Developer Academy at Universitas Ciputra to recruit and prepare participants to become world-class developer using iOS platform.

He teaches several courses including Enterprise Systems, Statistics, and Data Science. His research focuses are in the field of technology entrepreneurship and technology adoption.

Adi Suryaputra Paramita, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Head of Information System, Associate Professor

Adi Suryaputra teaches several courses in Information System for Business department including Operating System, Data Communication, Computer Networking, and Database Administration and enterprenuership courses in multidisciplinary class, his research focuses in E-learning development, Opensource and database technology

Kartika Gianina Tileng, S.E., M.Cs.
Assistant Professor

Kartika Gianina Tileng, S.E, M.Cs is one of the Lecturer in Information System for Business. She joined the Ciputra University since 2011.
Her background as a Bachelor of Economic and Master of Information System is brought her here to support the students to know about the main operational activities of enterprises by teaching about Accounting and many courses about Management. She’s also familiar with IT Audit, because of her research when undergraduate education was about Investigative and Financial Audit and her research when graduate education was about Information Systems Audit.

Yosua Setyawan Soekamto, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Assistant Professor

Yosua was born in 1990 and has two older siblings. He was graduated from Informatics Engineering with specific major Software Engineering from Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya in 2012 and completed the Master of Information Technology from the same school in 2017. He joined Universitas Ciputra in January 2019. His latest research interest is on Information Extraction. He is also interested to build knowledge and skills in websites, desktop, mobile apps development. Moreover he is also keen to conduct some research in system design areas.

Indra Maryati, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Assistant Professor

Indra Maryati reveived her bachelor degree in Informatics and master degree in Information Technology. Teaching and sharing is one of her biggest passion, and she begins her job as a lecturer since 2010. She joined Ciputra University since February 2021 as full-time lecturer, before that she joined as a part-timer. She is also one of Associate Android Developers, a certification from Google Developers. Besides that, she is also active in Google Developer Group (GDG) Surabaya community as one of the managers. Her research interest is on User Experience, Database Technology, Software Testing, Android Apps Development, and Optimization Algorithm.

Christian , S.Kom., M.MT.

Christian was graduated as Bachelor of Computer in Information Systems at Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. He was also completed his postgraduate study at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. Previously contributed as adjunct lecturer, he joined the university as a full full time lecturer in June 2021. He teaches basic programming, application development and programming algorithms. His research topics interest are in algorithm efficiency, UX, and application development.

Lenny Rosita, S.T., M.MT.
Head – Institutional Development & Quality Enhancement (Primary), Head – Quality Assurance, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, Lecturer

Lenny Rosita is the Head of Institutional Development and Quality Enhancement in Executive Board Office, Yayasan Ciputra Pendidikan, Ciputra Group. She earned her bachelor’s degree (S.T.), 2005, in industrial engineering (cum laude) from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS). In 2020, she earned her Magister of Technology Management (M.MT.), in industrial management from ITS. After bachelor’s degree graduation, she joined in shipping line company, especially in logistics sector for 9 years. Her responsibility is about quality, safety and health management system. Her achievement in logistics sector is for business process reengineering, and international certification in quality, safety and health management system. She joined at Universitas Ciputra Surabaya’s Quality Assurance Department, in 2014. Her achievements are set up quality management system, and develop performance appraisal system in higher education. Being auditor, data analyst, system analyst is part of her specialization.

Rinabi Tanamal, B.Bus., M.Com.
Assistant Professor

Rinabi Tanamal started his career as lecturer at Universitas Ciputra Surabaya since July 2007. His completed Bachelor Degree Major in International Business and Trade and second Major in Information Technology for Business at UTS Sydney and Master of Advanced Information System Management at Degree at UNSW Sydney. During his Career at Universitas Ciputra, he is entrusted as Enrollment Procedural team, Human Resource team, Quality Assurance, Internship Programs, And Internal Auditor. He teaches Entrepreneurship courses in multidisciplinary classes and several other courses such as ERP, Introduction to Information Systems, and Supply Chain Management. His research focuses are in the implementation of business process in Small Medium Size Companies, Analyse TAM areas, Decision Support System.

Support Staff

Cicilia Trapsiwi Resti
Administration Staff

Chyntia Andryani
Administration Staff

Aris Budi Cahyono
Computer Labs Coordinator