What is

VCD UC is a department that combines visual art and design with the help of technology to communicate ideas visually and interactively. Assisted with the ability to create your own business, you will be able to help the country to reduce poverty and bring Indonesia to the creative economy.



Standar Perkuliahan

Total credits144 credits
Education typeUndergraduate Program (S1)
Length of study4 years
LanguageBahasa Indonesia
Bachelor’s degreeS.Ds (Sarjana Design)

We are a fun learning unit. Here you’re invited to explore, express and learn to appreciate ourselves and others around us. We are a department that combines visual art and design with the help of technology to communicate ideas visually and interactively. Assisted with the ability to create your own business, you will be able to help the country to reduce poverty and bring Indonesia to the creative economy.


Memiliki visi menghasilkan lulusan berkarakter entrepreneurial dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual, yang mampu menggunakan teknologi terkini dan mengembangkan ptensi lokal maupun global, untuk menghasilkan desain yang unik dan bisa diterima masyarakat.


  1. Menyelenggarakan tridarma perguruan tinggi di bidang Industri Kreatif dan Entrepreneurship dengan standar kualitas nasional dan internasional.
  2. Mengelola Fakultas Industri Kreatif secara entrepreneurial dengan memegang prinsip tata pamong yang baik.

Attitudes and Values

  • Fear of God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude.
  • Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics.
  • Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila.
  • To act as citizens who are proud and love their homeland, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and nation.
  • Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others.
  • Work together and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment.
  • Obey the law and discipline in social and state life.
  • Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics.
  • Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their area of expertise independently.
  • Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.

General Skills

  • Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise.
  • Able to demonstrate independent, quality and measurable performance.
  • Able to study the implications of the development or implications of science and technology that pays attention to and applies the values of the humanities according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism, compile a scientific description of the results of their studies in the form of a thesis or assignment report. end, and upload it on the Ciputra University website.
  • Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the above studies in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the Ciputra University website.
  • Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of expertise, based on the results of analysis of information and data.
  • Able to maintain and develop a network with supervisors, colleagues, colleagues, both inside and outside the institution.
  • Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under their responsibility.
  • Able to carry out the evaluation process of the working group under their responsibility, and manage learning independently.
  • Able to document, store, secure, and retrieve data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.

Special skill

  • Have the ability to visualize both manually and digitally to design visual communication design works by paying attention to aesthetic value standards.
  • Have the ability to communicate ideas / ideas / thoughts through verbal and visual language.
  • Have the ability to work together / managerial and leadership.
  • Have sensitivity to real problems, analysis, and creative thinking skills for the process of creating solutions with visual communication design science.
  • Have entrepreneurial sensitivity, entrepreneurial competition to identify, analyze and take entrepreneurial action.
  • Have the ability to design creative content that is worth selling.
  • Have the basic ability to practice theory and technology in a work with the principles of design thinking. Have the ability to learn throughout life.
  • Uphold academic and ethical norms
Prospek Lulusan
Business OwnerContent Creator
Film MakerBrand Strategist
IllustratorSocial Media Manager
Graphic DesignerProduct Communication
UI/UX Designer2D/3D Animator

Juara 1 Video Pendek LO Kreatif Aptisi Jatim 2020
Achmad Candi Abadi Mulia, Ni Wayan Mahadewi Suci, Amanda Aprilia Santoso (VCD 2020)

Juara 1 Lomba Desain Grafis 2madison Design Competition Part 2
Daigo Tanu Saputra (VCD 2019)

Juara 1 Lomba Ilustrasi Maskot Bihun AAA
Geralda Carnelian Tantra (VCD 2018)

Juara 1 Lomba Ilustrasi Buku Erlangga Bersiap Kuliahuara
Natasya Priscilla Suhartono (VCD 2018)

Juara 1 Lomba Videografi Chemistry Fair Universitas Inodnesia
Alvin Herbert Christy (VCD 2019)

Kurikulum disusun berdasarkan visi misi Universitas Ciputra Surabaya dan visi keilmuan/keahlian program studi serta kebutuhan dunia kerja yg memerlukan kecakapan: karakter, kewarganegaraan (citizenship), berpikir kritis (critical thinking), kreatif (creativity), kolaborasi (collaboration), komunikasi (communication), pemecahan masalah (problem solving). Oleh sebab itu, lulusan dibekali kemampuan yang memungkinkan dapat memenuhi perkembangan kebutuhan abad 21.

1. Profil Lulusan (Graduate Profiles)

Pencipta Konten Kreatif
Perancang dalam berbagai  media desain komunikasi visual.

Pencipta Solusi Kreatif
Pelaku di bidang teknik media dan komunikasi untuk menyelesaikan berbagai  permasalahan  desain komunikasi visual.

Professional  Designer
Penyusun dokumen rancangan desain komunikasi visual dalam proyek

Design Entrepreneur
Entrepeneur di bidang produksi media komunikasi visual 

Tenaga pendidik dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual

 2. Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (Graduate Learning Outcomes)

 Rumusan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi
1Warga Negara
Sebagai warga negara yang berke Tuhan an, yang menjunjung tinggi nilai Pancasila. dan kemanusiaan, cinta tanah air dan menghargai keragaman budaya.
2Pembelajar Sepanjang Hayat
Sebagai pembelajar sepanjang hayat yang mandiri, bertanggung jawab, toleran, taat hukum, dan memiliki kepekaan sosial dan berwawasan lingkungan.
3Nilai-nilai Universitas
Mengaktualisasi nilai-nilai universitas (University value’s) dalam perilaku sesuai kode etik UC. (humanity, Eqality, Dignity, Nourishing, Trust, Organizational norm, IPE, University freedom, Civilization, Sensitivity)
4Berpikir kritis (critical thinking)
Mampu menyusun gagasan/ konsep secara logis dan analitis berdasarkan prinsip keilmuan/ keahlian/ entrepreneurship, dan nilai kemanusiaan
5Kreativitas-Inovasi (creativity-innovation)
Mampu menciptakan karya kreatif – inovatif, yang bernilai tambah, responsif terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi , berdasarkan metode keilmuan /keahlian/entrepreneurship, baik secara mandiri maupun  kolaboratif, dengan memanfaatkan “Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi” terkini. 
6Penyelesaian Masalah (problem solving)
Mampu menyusun alternatif solusi melalui ekplorasi/kajian akademik terhadap masalah bidang keilmuan/ keahlian/entrepreneurship/ kemanusiaan, yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan keilmuan dan peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat. 
7Pengambilan Keputusan (decision making)
Mampu mengambil keputusan secara komprehensif  dan bertanggung jawab sesuai bidang keahlian/ keilmuan, etika, dan pengalaman belajarnya. 
8Komunikasi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan (communication-recognition)
Mampu menyajikan hasil karyanya dalam media komunikasi yang dapat diakses  secara luas,  dan dihargai masyarakat akademik dan atau masyarakat umum. 
Mampu menyusun strategi belajar yang spesifik dan komprehensif,  untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi, berdasarkan pola pikir yang terbangun dan berkembang selama belajar secara mandiri di bidang desain komunikasi visual, entrepreneurship dan bidang lain 
Mampu menguasai teori desain dan estetika yang diterapkan melalui media  komunikasi visual untuk penyelesaian masalah.
Mampu menguasai metode desain komunikasi visual dan metode produksi desain yang diterapkan dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah bidang desain komunikasi.
12Konsep, Prinsip &Teknik
Mampu menguasai ·   Prinsip: desain visual, media komunikasi, dan komposisi warna.·   Konsep : grafis, digital media, lingkungan, dan entreprenerurship.·   Teknik :   komunikasi, menggambar manual & digital dalam berbagai media, pengoperasian perangkat lunak dalam desain grafis; penggunaan perangkat keras untuk mendukung desain 
Menguasai pendekatan bidang keilmuan desain komunikasi visual sebagai solusi masalah yang relevan dan konsisten dalam konteks pengembangan bisnis.
Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3
Basic Design 1Basic Design 2Visual Study
LetterformTypographyArt and Culture
Basic DrawingDrawingComputer Graphic
Basic PhotoBasic Video
Semester 4Semester 5Semester 6
Social DesignCommercial DesignInnovation Design and Development
Concept DevelopmentProject ManagerialDesign Research
Elective Prodi(Media and Advertisement, Creative Writing, Film Production, Graphic onProduct, Packaging Design, Basic Illustration, 3D Modeling, Concept Design & IllustrationElective ProdiAcademic Writing
Elective Prodi
Semester 7Semester 8
Internship : CreativepreneurshipFinal Project
Internship : Final Project ProposalEtika Profesi
Research Method

Dalam Negeri

  • PT Elex Media Computindo
  • Surabaya Centre Culturel et de Cooperation Linguis
  • PT Artemedia Hidayat Indonesia
  • House of Sampoerna
  • ADGI Chapter Surabaya
  • PT Media Tiara Victory
  • Drago Company
  • Prima Imaging
  • Samafitro
  • Paperina
  • Surabaya Heritage
  • My Kopi-O

Luar Negeri

  • MSI
  • Apple Academy
  • Old Batavia
  • Dongseo University
  • Curtin University
  • Swinburne University
  • Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
  • Universitas Kelantan Malaysia

Facilities on VCD

Available facilities on VCD

  • Photography Lab
  • Videography Lab
  • Augmented Reality Lab
  • 3D Printer
  • CNC Router
  • Illustration Studio
  • Design Studio
  • Computer Lab

Facilities on VCD

Available facilities on VCD

  • Photography Lab
  • Videography Lab
  • Augmented Reality Lab
  • 3D Printer
  • CNC Router
  • Illustration Studio
  • Design Studio
  • Computer Lab


VCD’s Latest News



Assisted with the ability to create your own business, you will be able to help the country to reduce poverty and bring Indonesia to the creative economy.



Assisted with the ability to create your own business, you will be able to help the country to reduce poverty and bring Indonesia to the creative economy.