The Effect of Locus of Control and the Need for Achievement towards Entrepreneurial Performance

In a country of weaken economy, entrepreneurs are the building blocks of progress and improvement towards the economy. In this research, the characteristics of the entrepreneurs are being evaluated. Particularly, the locus of control and the need for achievement are being examined with what their impact towards the entrepreneurial performance of the entrepreneurs. This research is a quantitative research with questionnaire as the primary data collection method. A total of 50 young entrepreneurs are being selected as the research samples. The sampling method in this research is convenience sampling. The data analysis method is being done by Partial Least Square method using the SmartPLS 2.0. Research result shows that both the locus of control and need for achievement have a significant effect towards their entrepreneurial performance. The benefits of this research is to provide entrepreneurs with a different perception of what actually contributes to the characteristics of them. The benefits of future researcher as a reference towards their research. This research is different from others because it specifically look into the two characteristics that often people neglect or dont know. The research is conducted within entrepreneurs so that we really know if it really affect them or not. And more importantly, we use sample of entrepreneurs who owns a business solely, as such their effect will be more influenced towards their business instead of multiple leadership or long organizational structure.

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